I don’t mean to brag but, I have an abnormally large uterus.
Or at least that’s what my gynaecologist told me last
November as she studied with, dare I say, intense awe at my uterine ultra sound
It’s hard to know how to respond to a statement like that. And
she said it not once, but twice! Emphatically,
along with “It’s huge! And very chunky!”
Instead of saying, “Oh go on with you! I’ll bet you say that
to all the girls!” I just said, “Okay…"
The inspection of my scans continued in between glances at
my file and explanations of what I didn’t have.
“You do not have fibroids!”
Back to my file.
“Your ovaries are fine!”
Back to my scans.
“You had an endometrial biopsy! Who gave you that?”
Back to my file.
“You have…”
Back to my scans.
“What is that?” I
asked. The word meant nothing to me except that it sort of sounded like endometriosis
and as it turns out, sort of is like endometriosis. You see, while
endometriosis is when the endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus in all
sorts of places, adenomyosis is when the endometrial tissue, instead of just
growing in the uterus like good endometrial tissue is suppose to, grows in the
muscle of the uterus. So, every month, when my uterus gets rid of the tissue in
its painfully dramatic fashion, it also gets rid of the endometrial tissue in
the muscle of my uterus.
While I listened to my gynaechologist give me the story of adenomyosis and
all the issues that come with it, my symptoms suddenly made perfect sense and I
was flooded with relief. I wasn’t crazy! It’s not all in my head! My pain is
real and I have good reason to feel miserable a great deal of the time!
After the explanation she immediately launched into a talk about treatments. They
were four-fold.
“One! You could have an ablation, but I would not recommend
it (didn’t she just do that?). It won’t work and you will come back to me
saying you’re in more pain!”
“Two! You could get an IUD that would release progesterone
into your uterus thereby slowing the bleeding! But, in a uterus of your size
(thanks?) I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“Three! We could try pain management with a stronger pain
killer and continued use of Tranexamic Acid to slow the bleeding.” (You know, the
stuff they prescribe to people after they’ve had dental surgery? To stop the
“Four! A partial hysterectomy. What would you like to do?”
I sat quietly for a few seconds, mulling over my situation
and the four, but really two, options laid out before me.
“Um…” I said, “Let’s try pain management first and then if
that doesn’t work…a hysterectomy?”
“Ok!” she said as grabbed her prescription pad and started
writing. "I'll prescribe enough for three months and then you can come back in for a follow up."
I thanked her very much but before I left I needed to have a peek at my scans. I leaned over her desk to get a good look
at my large, chunky uterus. The endometrial tissue was all over it, peppering
the entire surface. It looked like a constellation with a concentration of
stars in the top left corner of my uterus. I pointed that area out to her and
said a lot of my pain seemed to be focused right there.
She said, “Well yes! Look at it! This area…”and with a
gesture akin to jazz hands she exclaimed, “This area commands respect!”
I did not laugh. I did not say, “Damn right it does!” but
smiled because it was one of the best things, regarding my physical self, that I’d
ever heard.
And now, here I am on my 44th birthday. Last
week, after three months of not so much pain management as much as learning
that stronger meds don’t really help, and my life is still being interrupted by
being bouts of stabbing pain, I’ve decided to have a hysterectomy. I am
nervous, but I know, once it’s all said and done, I will feel a whole lot
And I will look back fondly at the girl who once had an
abnormally large uterus that commanded respect.