And welcome to a twisted version of my sometimes happens on Tuesday blog post.
Last week, thousands of girls around the world wept hot, bitter, loud, and ridiculous tears over the fact that the utterly charming Benedict Cumberbatch is no longer on the market. Yes, he is now engaged and set to not marry any his fans.
A few of my concerned friends who know of my celebrity crush on this man, offered sympathy and delicately let me know of his new status. I however, am stronger than many a fan girl, not to mention I am already happily married to a delightful man, and was not moved to even the slightest tear over this news.
You are probably asking, how does this related to Specific Passage Friday? Well, I'll get right to it. Some of you are aware of my almost life long celebrity crush on Michael J. Fox. Like many girls my walls were once plastered with MJF photos from a variety of highly entertaining and factual teen magazines.
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My Room in June, 1987. |
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My room last week. Ha! Just kidding. My room in March 1991. This was 1 of 4 MJF walls. |
And, let's be honest, I'm not only one in the world who took those wall pictures and put them in a scrapbook which she still keeps in a bin in the basement, am I right? Can I get a high five for saccharine sentiment?
My daughter likes to say to me, "You've liked him since you were ellllevvven." I can't put into words her tone, but it's full of the kind of mockery that only one raised by parents who work in the medium of sarcasm can master. Anyway, to be short my crush for MJF goes WAY back and has been simmering and keeping it's flavour for over 30 years. AND even though my crush was once mixed with desire to meet him, and have him fall in love with me, and be with me FOREVER I managed to not fall to pieces when he got married. No, it's true. I, who was 15 at the time, managed to face the news with good humour and I have the diary passage to prove it!
As a side note, this verbatim passage includes other interesting tidbits about my enthralling teenage existence.
July, 17/88, 9:30pm
Hi Diary! Today I finally saw Stephan! He got back last night when I was in Quebec. ( & survived when I was there!) He's still gorgeous (meaning he didn't change) except for, well he bleached or did something to his hair! It looks stupid in my opinion but knowing me I'll get use to it! Also Michael J. Fox got married this weekend. (July 16/88) I'm not upset because I like Tracey Pollan & I think they look great together! Wendy phoned today! And like I knew she would she got the $100.00 scholarship prize! I'm so proud of her! We talked for 21 minutes! We talked about All My Children & how we both cried when Jessie died & we talked about lots of other stuff too! Well Bye!
So as you can see I had a lot going on at the time of Mikey's marriage and so was little moved by the news of his status change. For the record, I've very little memory of Stephan. I can't remember if he was my neighbour to the left of us or if he lived down the road. And wow, I've no memory of purposely watching All My Children while living in Ottawa. And, as I was babysitting full time that summer, I must have subjected the kids I was looking after to all it's dramatic soapyness. Lucky them!
Anyway, that wraps up this week's not so Random Passage. I hope this finds you well and that you too have managed to move on with your lives even though Benedict Cumberbatch is now off limits and no longer spending his life waiting around to not marry you.
Be creative!
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