Monday, February 23, 2015

For the Love Of...Socks with Leona deVinne

Good Monday Blog Fans!

Two weeks has flown by and it's another For the Love Of Monday! Today's guest has a message that speaks right to my heart. Often when people ask me what I want for my birthday or Christmas I will say funky socks. I love having colourful feet. It makes me smile to wear bright, bold patterns or socks with cute owls on them.

Leona deVinne, starter of the Joy Socks Movement also finds happiness in a pair of decked out feet and she's here today to tell us why.


For the love of…Socks, yes- goofy, joyfilled, wee moments of happiness; SOCKS

I love the ancient proverb that says, “How wonderful are the feet of those that bring good news”

I want to spread some good news, with some socks on your beautiful feet!
Our world is in dire need of some joy…would you be part of helping spread some?

 My desire is to start a Joy sock movement

Wear some fun socks and take a photo of your feet doing something or being somewhere; on a fire truck, park bench, hanging from a tree (safely, please), out of the top of skates, you get the idea. (heck, paint your feet, go bare, I don’t care) Then‘Friend’ me on instagram, twitter, or facebook, LeonadeVinne,and post your picture on social media and tag it #joysocks

Each month a fave pair of feet will be chosen and $50 will be donated to a charity of your choice-how yummy is that!


Why socks you ask? Why not!

I remember years back I was going through some tough times, exhausted, going through a divorce, working hard and not feeling much happiness at all. One day when I came home I noticed that I was wearing 2 different socks and it made me laugh!

A wee bit of levity amidst my life that felt like a slog fest-yes please!
Science has been confirming that the happiest people are the ones that find joy in the smallest moments.

2 years ago I started mailing out goofy socks to random people and it was so fun, so I started giving them to people I knew were struggling and they said it brightened their days when they wore them. Heck even if people weren’t struggling I handed them out…they started sending me photos of their feet with the “joy socks” on them and that gave me such joy!

It’s pretty much a never ending circle of goodness for me since then ☺
So thus the sock idea started to bloom and blossom.

I started to call them joy socks and so did they ☺

I need people to help me with this joy spreading, happiness movement – I need YOU!

 Each month someone will be chosen to win the #joysock photo contest-craziest/funnest/goofiest/joyfullest shot!!

The winner can choose a charity of their choice for a donation of atleast $50 or (all the profits from the socks I sell* -whichever is greater) to be donated to a charity of their choice.  How delicious is that!!


Your delightful feet will end up on a feed with all the joyfull feet in the world!! YES!! (Even this is getting me joyed up!)

January’s winner was Sara Verburg who chose make her donation to Haven’s Way of the
A Joy Socks Winner!
Boys and Girl’s Club, for her photo, poolside in Chile-bikini and joysocks poolside at over 35 degrees!

So will you please tell your friends and join me in this goofy, fun filed movement.
“friend” me on facebook or instagram at Leona devinne, and post a pic of your delightful feet with the #joysocks-lets get this party started!!

I’m a coach, entrepreneur and chief joy injector at AccendoConsulting  where I help others launch their purpose filled work into the world.  I’d love to connect with you-drop me a line and let me know what brings you joy or if you want help creating more joy in your life and business-call, email or send me a message in a bottle :).  I can be reached at

*For my Canadian friends, you will be able to buy some of my favourite socks on this page - (coming soon) and I will donate the profits from each pair of socks to a charity, every month.  (check out the styles on, while I am working on my sock page, and if you are in Canada I can get what you’d like)

May the joy be with you!!



I would like to thank Leona very much for being a guest on my blog today. Please share in the joy of socks an post your awesome socks picture to Leona via one of her social media outlets or post it on my facebook page, Cindy Rule's Writing Page and I'll share them with Leona.

Be daring
Be spontaneous
Be joyful



  1. Love this idea! will get a pic this week :) I love simple things that make people smile. Great read!

  2. Amazing variety of hand made socks. colors are also very attractive. I love multi colored socks. I also want to knit these socks.
